Dr. Thomas Grimshaw, LENRGY President, has been active in the LENR field for over 10 years. His work in the LENR area goes back to 2006, when he undertook a conference course on LENR policy while a masters student at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. The course subsequently led to a masters degree report on the topic.
Dr. Grimshaw has conducted a number of projects and has authored many papers and reports on the LENR topic. He has also given a number of presentations on the subject. Before deciding to pursue LENR, Dr. Grimshaw had a lengthy career working as a geologist and manager in the environmental field.
Documentation of Dr. Edmund Storms’ 29 Years of LENR Research
Dr. Edmund Storms was one of the first researchers to follow up on the cold fusion claims of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons in March 1989. He has continued his cold fusion (now widely referred to as low-energy nuclear reactions, LENR) research in the years since, first in his position at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and then in his home laboratory in Santa Fe, New Mexico. His work has included both laboratory experiments and development of explanations of the LENR phenomenon. During his 29 years of investigations, he has developed one of the most extensive LENR research records in existence. Much of this work is available in the public realm through his publication of papers and presentations at conferences. There is in addition an extensive body of research results that are in his private files. A project, termed the “Storms LENR Research Development Project”, has been undertaken to compile the publicly-available documents and to capture, organize, store, and document the private records.
Dr. Storms had enjoyed a 35-year career at LANL, primarily in advanced materials research, when LENR was announced. His pre-LENR investigations were mostly in refractory materials, such as the carbides and nitrides, for high-temperature nuclear energy applications (nuclear rocket, nuclear and power source for space). This highly relevant foundation enabled him to quickly become established as a premier investigator in the LENR field. He has conducted many types of LENR experiments, utilizing most of the methods for achieving the effect, including the Fleishman-Pons approach (electrolytic cells) and the gas discharge and gas loading methods. He has also designed and constructed many kinds of calorimeters for measuring excess heat.
Dr. Storms’ LENR research career took place in several phases, which may be defined by the type of investigative approach and the entities he was working with or whom he was receiving financial support. These phases are as follows, with the primary collaborator or sponsor shown in parentheses: LANL (Carol Talcott), ENECO (Charles Becker), Lattice Energy (Lewis Larsen), and KivaLabs (Brian Scanlan). These phases are separated by periods of independent investigation by Dr. Storms.
As a consequence of his many years of LENR research, Dr. Storms has developed a large body of experimental data along with many publications and unpublished reports. The records collected for the Project have been organized into the Components based primarily on the source of information: publications, unpublished progress reports, work history (lab notebook entries), electronic files, hard-copy materials, LENR library holdings, and interviews of Dr. Storms.
The principal objectives of the LENR Research Documentation Project are to secure and archive the public and private collection of hard-copy and electronic LENR files and to make the materials more accessible for Dr. Storms and others who are interested in the LENR field to conduct more enhanced review for additional insights. The Project scope is from March 1989 through December 2015, the date selected for cut off. It began in August 2015, when Dr. Grimshaw made his first visit. Eleven more trips were made to collect information, interview Dr. Storms, and prepare documents.
An incremental approach was used to collect information because the full scope of the research materials was not known in advance. The first steps were to prepare memos describing each element as it was found. The Project was conducted in three stages – information collection, organization, and documentation. Reports were prepared for each stage. The Stage 1 report documented the information obtained. The Stage 2 objective was to organize the Stage 1 information. The organization was accomplished by developing timelines for each Component. The Stage 3 (Final) report includes appendices with timelines for each Component as well as copies of the publications and progress reports (as separate report annexes). Annexes with Dr. Storms’ interviews and copies of the memos prepared for the Project are also included.
There are a number of opportunities for additional development and analysis of Dr. Storms‘ LENR research record. Almost all of the Project Components could be documented in greater detail, and the associated timelines could be further refined, leading to a more complete Integrated Timeline. In particular, the relationship among the Components could be further analyzed and a more complete picture of the research and results developed. Since the cutoff date for the Project is December 31, 2015, the effort could also be extended for 2016 and 2017. Technical analysis and interpretation could be another fruitful area for further development. Dr. Storms is currently conducting additional review and analysis for new insights or discoveries. A permanent location for the hard-copy and electronic records will be advisable, such as a repository at a qualified and interested university.
Dr. Storms took an early interest in LENR research and has worked diligently in the field since its announcement. He has made many contributions with both sophisticated experiments and advanced explanations of the LENR phenomenon. He has developed a sophisticated home laboratory in which he has conducted experiments employing all the methods known to produce LENR using its various signatures, including excess heat, radiation, tritium production, and elemental transmutation. His novel exclamations, such as the nanocrack and hydroton idea for nuclear reaction, conform generally to current scientific understanding but also push into the frontiers of new knowledge. Dr. Storms has served as a vital member of the LENR research community from the very beginning. He has provided intellectual and other support to other investigators, and he has been willing to share his expertise and insight freely.
The future of humankind may well depend on achieving LENR and realizing its benefits as a clean, abundant, and inexpensive source of energy. Society will owe a great deal to Dr. Storms when LENR becomes a reality it is widely deployed as a source of energy.
- Grimshaw, T.W., and E.K. Storms. 2018. Documentation of Dr. Ed Storms’ 29-Year LENR Research Career. Poster for 21st International Conference on Cold Fusion, Fort Collins, Colorado. Planned for June. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W. and E.K. Storms, 2018, Documentation of Dr. Edmund Storms’ 29 Years of Cold Fusion Research – Experiments, Explanations, and Related Scientific Contributions: Draft Summary Report. Unpublished Report. May. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W. and E.K. Storms, 2015-2018, Documentation of Dr. Edmund Storms’ 29 Years of Cold Fusion Research – Experiments, Explanations, and Related Scientific Contributions: Reports for Stage 1 (Information Collection), Stage 2 (Organization) and Stage 3 (Documentation) . Unpublished Reports. Various Dates. Santa Fe, New Mexico.(Click here for Stage 1, here for Stage 2, and here for Stage 3)
US Government Agency Responsibilities for Emerging Energy Technologies
Many US Government agencies have energy-related missions and policymaking responsibilities. No fewer than 20 agencies address energy topics in their jurisdictions, missions, visions, strategic plans, and similar high-level guidance. Development of emerging energy technologies in particular is important to many agencies in accomplishing their objectives.
Agencies and other entities in the Legislative and Executive branches of the US Government have been investigated for CF opportunities. The analysis found that the agencies could benefit substantially from supporting CF to accomplish their missions. The analysis also shows that the agencies may have an obligation to pursue CF to realize its humanitarian and other benefits as well as deal proactively with anticipated adverse secondary impacts.
A White Paper was prepared to serve as a foundation for a paper prepared with Dr. David Nagel of George Washington University, Washington, DC. Presentation of the paper, “Responsibilities of US Government Agencies for Support of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions”, took place at ICCF-20, which was held in Sendai, Japan in October 2016.
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2017. Emerging Energy Technologies: Responsibilities of U.S. Government Entities – Review for Potential Cold Fusion Contributions. White Paper in Support of Paper for 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Sendai, Japan. January. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., and D.J. Nagel, 2016. Responsibilities of US Government Agencies for Support of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Presentation at 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Sendai, Japan. October. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., and D.J. Nagel, 2016. Responsibilities of US Government Agencies for Support of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Paper for 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Sendai, Japan. December. (Click here)
Santa Fe LENR Laboratory Collaboration
Three retirees from Los Alamos National Laboratory – Drs. Tom Claytor, Ed Storms, and Malcolm Fowler, continue to do LENR and related research at their private labs in northern New Mexico. Dr. Grimshaw worked with these scientists to develop proposals for a new CF research lab to be located in Santa Fe. The proposal efforts included preparation of custom resumes, detailed descriptions of facilities and instruments at three private research labs, and preparation of required proposal and presentation documents. The experimental basis of the new lab was a book, The Explanation of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction, which was published by Dr. Storms in 2014. Funding for the laboratories has not yet been received.
- Claytor, T., E. Storms, M. Fowler, and T.W. Grimshaw, 2014. Investigation of LENR for Energy Production by the LENRGY Collaboration, Santa Fe and White Rock, New Mexico. October. (Click here for previous use of LENRGY)
- Storms, E., T. Claytor, and T.W. Grimshaw, 2014. Proposal for a Solid State Energy Technology Laboratory, Los Alamos and Santa Fe, New Mexico. April. (Click here)
Energy Institute Research Affiliate
The Energy Institute leverages the experience and expertise of researchers at the University of Texas at Austin to study critical policy questions. The Institute seeks to create a community of scholars to address energy issues that are important to Texas, the nation, and the world. It fosters interdisciplinary interactions across the campus and serves as a portal for information on energy research at the University.
LENR policy and related research at the Energy Institute is led by Dr. Thomas Grimshaw, who has been working on LENR topics for the past 10 years. He has authored more than 20 papers, presentations, and reports in the field. He continues to present papers, assist researchers, and conduct outreach activities to help enhance LENR prospects and realize its potential benefits.
- Grimshaw, T.W., and E.K. Storms. In Preparation. Documentation of Dr. Ed Storms’ 27-Year LENR Research Career. White Paper and Cloud Storage of Files and Publications. Scheduled for Completion July 2017.
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2017. Emerging Energy Technologies: Responsibilities of U.S. Government Entities – Review for Potential Cold Fusion Contributions. White Paper in Support of Paper for 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Sendai, Japan. January. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., and D.J. Nagel, 2016. Responsibilities of US Government Agencies for Support of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Paper for 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Sendai, Japan. December. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., and D.J. Nagel, 2016. Responsibilities of US Government Agencies for Support of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions. Presentation at 20th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Sendai, Japan. October. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2015. Integrated Policymaking for Realizing Benefits and Mitigating Impacts of LENR. Presentation and Paper at 19th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Padua, Italy. April. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2015. Cold Fusion: A Changing Landscape? Presentation to Exelon Corporation. February. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2014. Cold Fusion Public Policy: Rational – and Urgent – Need for Change. Presentation at 2014 Cold Fusion/LANR Colloquium at MIT. Cambridge, MA. March. (Click here)
National Instruments LENR Consultation
Dr. Grimshaw worked closely with National Instruments (NI) in evaluating various LENR technologies and investigators for potential research support. His work with NI included evaluations of about 12 independent LENR organizations and entities.
In 2012 NI supported two demonstrations of a LENR device by Francesco Celani of Italy’s National Institute of Nuclear Physics. The demos took place in Austin, Texas and at the 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF-17) in Daejeon, South Korea. Dr. Grimshaw was engaged by NI to evaluate the demonstration by interviewing researchers who sought to verify Celani’s results using his calorimeter design and LENR material (Constantan). Working with NI staff, Dr. Grimshaw first prepared a detailed report of the device, methods, and results of the demonstrations. Six researchers who independently investigated Celani’s design were interviewed, and the outcome was written up and reported to NI. The results were also made publicly available as a poster at ICCF-18 in Columbus, Missouri in 2013. The outcome indicated that two of the independent investigators at least partially verified Celani’s demonstrations.
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2014. Opportunities for Cold Fusion Policy Change. Presentation at First Mediterranean International Workshop on Low Energy Reactions, “Ettore Majorana” Foundation, Erice, Sicily. October. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., S. Concezzi, L. Wenzel, and B. Glass, 2013. Verifications of LENR Observations in Nickel-Copper Alloy (Constantan) and Hydrogen Experiments. Poster Presented at 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Columbia, SC July. (Click here)
Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy (CIEEP)
CIEEP was a research entity at The University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Grimshaw worked with the CIEEP Director to develop an initiative to address CF policy issues. A plan was developed for the Initiative, and promotional documents and presentations were prepared. A student internship was undertaken to delineate secondary impacts of CF, identify a methodology to address the impacts, and develop a step-by-step procedure to apply the metho-dology to the CF case. Technology Assessment was selected as an effective method of dealing with direct and indirect secondary impacts of broad deployment of CF as a new source of energy. The results of this student internship were presented at ICCF-17 in Daejeon, South Korea in 2013. The CIEEP CF Initiative was subsequently transferred to the Energy Institute.
- Leseberg, M, J. Maxwell, and T. W. Grimshaw, 2013. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion for Energy Production in the U.S.: Task Report 1. The Changing Landscape of Cold Fusion. February. (Click here)
- Leseberg, M, J. Maxwell, and Tl W. Grimshaw, 2013. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion for Energy Production in the U.S.: Task Report 2. Technology Assessment. February. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W, 2012. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion (LENR) for Energy Production. Paper FrM1-1, 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Daejeon, South Korea. August. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2012. Evidence-Based Public Policy for Support of Cold Fusion (LENR) Development. Poster Presented at 17th International Conference on Cold Fusion, Daejeon, South Korea. August. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2012. Public Policy Planning for Broad Deployment of Cold Fusion for Energy Production in the U.S. Supervisor, Student Internship at Center for International Energy & Environmental Policy, The University of Texas at Austin. May. (Click here)
Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin
Dr. Grimshaw pursued a second-career Master of Public Affairs degree at the LBJ School as a follow-on to his environmental career. He became interested in CF and wrote his Professional Report (Thesis) on the topic – Evidence-Based Public Policy toward Cold Fusion: Rational Choices for a Potential Alternative Energy Source. He also co-sponsored two policy research projects with about 12 students in each. Both were broad-based energy policy studies with significant LENR coverage. And both were supported by the New Energy Foundation, one of the principal entities of the LENR field.
Dr. Grimshaw also gave several lectures in various venues on the potential need for CF policy changes. He received the Masters degree (mid-career option) – and served as adjunct faculty – at UT’s LBJ School of Public Affairs. His professional report was on evidence-based public policy toward CF as a major (but controversial) potential source of energy. As adjunct faculty he was co-instructor for two policy research projects, both of which focused on energy policy and emerging technologies, including cold fusion. He was also instructor for a course on environmental policy.
Dr. Grimshaw became a member of the Adjunct Faculty after completing his Master of Public Affairs degree (Mid-Career Option). He served as co-instructor on two Policy Research Projects (PRPs): 1) “Shaping the Energy Technology Transition”, which addressed policy issues related to alternative energy technologies and movement to a low-carbon, renewable-energy based energy economy; and 2) “Building the Bridge to an Energy Secure Future”, which used five criteria (technology, economics, regulations, environment, and politics) to evaluate established and emerging energy technologies within a framework of energy security. Both PRPs included coverage of cold fusion as a potential future energy source. Earlier, Dr. Grimshaw was instructor for a course on Environmental Policymaking at the LBJ School, which covered both US and international framework for policy development and implementation. He also taught two courses on Environmental Geology at Austin Community College while working on M.P.Aff. degree.
- Groat, C.G., and T.W. Grimshaw, 2011. Building the Bridge to an Energy Secure Future: Energy Policies for the 21st Century. Policy Research Project Report 172. LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin.
- Storms, E.K., and T.W. Grimshaw, 2010. Judging the Validity of the Fleischmann-Pons Effect. Jour. Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. 3, 9-30. Online. Available: http://www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol3.pdf. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2010. Evidence-Based Policy for Controversial Claims: The Case of Cold Fusion. Public Affairs Colloquium, LBJ School of Public Affairs. April. (Click here)
- Groat, C.G., and T.W. Grimshaw, 2009. Shaping the Energy Technology Transition: Moving to a Low-Carbon, Renewable-Energy Economy. Policy Research Project Report 167. LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin.
- Grimshaw, T. W., 2008. Evidence-Based Public Policy toward Cold Fusion: Rational Choices for a Potential Alternative Energy Source. Austin, TX. Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin. Unpublished Professional Report. December. (Click here)
- Grimshaw, T.W., 2006. Cold Fusion – A Cogent Topic for Rigorous Policy Analysis. Conference Course in Policy Analysis (PA389), LBJ School of Public Affairs, The University of Texas at Austin. March. (Click here)
Other LENR Experience
Dr. Grimshaw has had a variety of additional experience in his years of working in the LENR field. Most recently Dr. Grimshaw assisted Jed Rothwell, author of the LENR-CANR website (one of the foremost online LENR resources), in converting a book that was published in hard copy into electronic form. Charles Beaudette’s “Excess Heat: Why Cold Fusion Revealed” has been a principal resource for the LENR field since it was first published in 2000. During the conversion to digital form, Dr. Grimshaw reviewed several chapters for accuracy, created new tables for those that did not convert well, and formatted references cited in each chapter. Recognition for this work was received from Jed Rothwell in March 2017, where he noted that the “job calls for a combination of tedious, rote secretarial labor, and extensive knowledge of cold fusion.”
Pre-LENR Geology and Environmental Career
Prior to his LENR involvement, Dr. Grimshaw had an extensive career in environmental management and consulting. He began his career with post-graduate degrees in geology and worked for several of the most prominent environmental companies in the world and for The University of Texas at Austin. His projects included environmental baseline studies, preparing mitigation measures for adverse impacts, site investigations of spills and disposal sites, development of cleanup strategies for contaminated sites, and policy analysis for large-scale energy development in the western U.S. He gained experience with many types of energy facilities, including power plants, refineries, oil fields, pipelines, storage tanks, coal mines, and unconventional oil and gas production. Dr. Grimshaw held many positions as an organization and project manager and performed services for a variety of clients.
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